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Medicolegal Case Management and Claims Adjudication

Workplace Health & Labour Consultants  >  Our Services  >  Medicolegal Case Management and Claims Adjudication

We provide medical claims adjudication, vocational incapacity assessment, impairment ratings, fitness to work (incapacity) compensation consulting, expert medicolegal witnessing for medical indemnity and medical negligence cases and claims process management for Insurers, Brokers, Agents, Employers, and Road Accident Funds in SADC.

The service is independent, unbiased and will guide the participating parties (Insurers, Brokers, Agents, Employers, Employees, Lawyers, Unions, and the State). It includes the following:

  • Delineation of diagnosis, the medical proximate cause of claim event and liability
  • Establishment of physical, psychological or cognitive impairment
  • Assessment of the nature and extent of the medical condition
  • Impact assessment of the medical condition on work performance
  • Advice on the appropriateness of treatment and future medical management
  • Advice on the future management of the employee and employment potential
  • Clinical opinion on work accommodation, re-skilling, retraining, reintegration or rehabilitation
  • Feasibility of ill-health retirement and medical boarding

To the best of our knowledge, WHL Consultants was the first entity in Africa to develop a Disability Insurance Claims Assessor course using medicolegal case law, real claims case studies, and practical claims assessments to address a critical scarce skill shortage in the long-term insurance industry.

This course has been successfully delivered by WHL Consultants to insurers in South Africa, Botswana, and Swaziland.